Developing your player's promise.
That's our promise.
Staffed by the club’s professional coaches, each of our Promise Player Development Programs operate within a unique, structured curriculum designed to augment Eastside FC's vision for the holistic growth of our young athletes—because in the end, developing their promise is ours.
These programs are open to all Eastside FC players AND players from outside the club.
Which program is right for your player?

"Our Promise Player Development Programs offer a holistic development approach, ensuring each player has the opportunity to reach their highest potential."
Coach Xinho, Director of Promise Programming

These programs are open ONLY to Eastside FC players.
U7-U12 2018-2016
Jr. Keepers is a fully holistic keeper training program geared towards younger Eastside FC players. It takes place on weekday evenings.
U13-U19 2012-2006
Goalkeeping is a fully holistic keeper training program geared towards older Eastside FC players. It takes place on weekday evenings.
U15-U19 2010-2006
Eastside FC Leadership Academy is an application-based programs for select Eastside FC players.
U13-U19 2012-2006
College Recources is ongoing support and consulting for older Eastside FC players looking for an extra hand during the college recruitment process.
U20-U23 2005-2002
The Eastside FC U23 Program offers Eastside FC graduates an opportunity to stay sharp when they are home from college.